Reg: Don, why did you sign up for duty while you could have
lived a normal teenager life?
I wasn't alone in joining the military at age 17, many men, and women,
joined the military at that age, some before and many after the sneak
attack on our country through Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl Harbor
wasn't just an unprovoked attack, it was an atrocity committed against
every American. Our country was thrust into an undeclared war designed
to destroy America, our way of life, to conquer our people and enslave
the world. We Americans were given no choice. We were all in a war for
our very lives. Nearly all of my friends including my older brother
took blankets from their beds and slept on the sidewalks that cold
December night in front of their selective service boards; so they would
be among the first to volunteer when the selective service board opened
their office doors in the morning. I had to wait until I was eighteen
when I would be legally old enough to join at will. Where do you find
patriotism like that today? Too many people in the world want to
share the harvest. Few are willing to do the plowing. |

Don: This photo walking past two dead Germans
was taken by a military cameraman
exit two on Utah beach, Normandy 7 June 1944.
I am the trooper to the far right.
Hundley and Carter following were both
killed together
firing a machine gun in Zon,
Holland 17 Sept. 1944. |
Reg: How did your parents feel about you signing in?
No responsible person or parent in the world wants to see their children
go to war. War is death and destruction whether one is the attacker or
the defender, people die. My parents grieved to see their children go
to the worlds defense, who else but the young can complete the job? The
enemy weren't unknown, we were well aware of who attacked Pearl Harbor
and their intentions. We also knew who the Nazis were and also their
intentions. Five days AFTER the attack on Pearl Harbor Hitler and
Mussolini declared war on the United States. The US. DID NOT declare
war on the Fascists. Again we were left with no choice in the matter.
I have been asked by many, mostly by the Germans during the war. "Why
are you Americans here? Why are you fighting in Europe?" I answer. "We
were invited." (by Hitler.)
Reg: You fractured your leg in training. This really saved your
Actually I fractured my right leg, not quite a full break. As a result
I could not immediately complete my five jumps to become a qualified
paratrooper. On the fifth and last jump, a night jump to qualify, the
plane I was scheduled to jump from with my comrades crashed on Lawson
Field, killing all aboard. If I had not fractured my leg I would have
been aboard that ill fated plane. One of the men killed was buried in
his home town, Howell, Michigan, which has been my home town since
1967. His grave is in the Lakeside Cemetery in the center of Howell.
Reg: You were 19. How did you cope with the killing of people with
the same age ?
No matter how intense the training it is very traumatic when the moment
of first truth arrives and one finds himself face to face with an enemy
he must kill. If that moment arrives in milliseconds one reacts to the
intense military training and pulls the trigger before he has time to
think or evaluate the situation. If the enemy approaches and one
watches his arrival for moments or minutes, his home training since
birth of "Do good unto others" is very strong and a mental wrestling of
"do or don't" takes place, and could get one killed. Once past that
first infinitival mental adjustment the job becomes easier. I no longer
shot at or killed people, just uniforms. If one had a round helmet, he
was a friend. If one had a square helmet, I killed that uniform, not
people. Before my time in Normandy came to an end my attitude was that
of the hunter and the rabbit. I was the hunter and the Nazi was the
rabbit. I hunted him and he was running and hiding from me. I kept
that attitude to the end. In returning home there is little or no
adjustment of "Kill or be killed" that attitude is shed with the uniform
and loved ones take the place of what had to be done. True, one may be
restless, I was, and I traveled for several years, working at a hundred
different jobs around all America. I gained immense knowledge from those
travels and multitudes of jobs. However, family love is strong
and eventually one will grow out of his experiences and return to
the young man who left home so many years ago.
Reg: What took you so long to start writing about the war?
I began Currahee 1958, completed Currahee in 1962 after 4 years of
writing. Placed it with Houghton Mifflin Publishers 1965. Currahee was
scheduled to publish in 1966 but Reader's Digest bought sub rights and
asked if I would wait one year so Reader's Digest could bring their
publication out at the same time as Houghton Mifflin's hard cover. I
agreed on condition that both publications would come out 06 June 1967.
My agreeing to wait one year was to my benefit. I appeared on TV's
"Today" Show with Hugh Downs 06 June 1967. The Israeli War broke out
that date and Currahee sold 5000 copies in five days. A first time
writer almost never sells 5000 copies in five years. Within my
first week I went into my second printing. Currahee eventually sold in
fourteen countries. What took me so long? I came out of nearly three
years of a world war with one year of constant close in combat fighting
with most of my comrades killed or severely wounded, in severe weather
conditions and discharged at the age of twenty. Not old enough to
legally buy a beer in the USA.
I did not finish the tenth grade of
school, I had to go to full time work at age 16 to help out at home,
Depression days. The war does something to people who have survived
heavy combat for one year. I took flight training, became a licensed
pilot, bought a plane, traveled America for several years and worked at
almost every job imaginable, gained a lot of practical experience,
knowledge, abilities and talents. I returned home to Michigan, married
and had a family to support, five children and a wife.
Only when my
children became old enough to ask "What did you do in the war daddy?" I
felt I had to write my experiences for them so they would understand
when they became of age. I did not write my books for the public or for
publication or for sale. I wrote my books for my children. Without a
full formal education I did not know a verb from an adverb, and still
don't. I didn't know how to type and taught myself on a second hand
typewriter while writing in the meantime with a pen and pencil. Only
when several close relatives read my manuscript and became impressed
they suggested I publish my manuscripts. Without formal education I
could not write from education, I wrote from my heart. Without formal
knowledge I was lost in an ocean trying to get published. How does one
go about it. Who does one contact. What formalities does one have to
follow to contact such high people as publishers? In the end I did it.
I became the very first American enlisted man in America to publish books
on the airborne in World War Two. Since then many have simulated me and
even "Borrowed" from my writings. Especially one well known writer of
American airborne. During my writings I lived with my wife, Twyla, and
five children in a very small two bedroom home, worked two full time
jobs and wrote my first book at the same time. At times I got only ten
hours sleep total, in an entire week. THAT, is what took me so long.
Reg: Has writing about the war become some kind of therapy for
Yes. My writing has made me realize that war effects everyone that
survives battle. While writing I edited my own work. I found that
while writing about training or everyday life I had two or three typos
per page. While writing about actual combat I made from six to fifteen
typos per page. After, I could talk freely about the war to any who
asked. I would suggest that every combat person write completely, his
or hers full military experience, whether to sell or not. No Shrink
(Psychiatrist) can ever, no matter his or her qualifications, can ever
come close to a cure as one who freely writes of his turmoil. While
writing one must willingly face alone every minute detail of every day
of military and combat.
Reg: What can we teach our students about WW2?
I believe that every child be gaining at Kindergarten should be taught
and learn that war is not the answer to all worldly problems; but, when
threatened and war is unavoidable, every man woman and child in his
country should stand 100% with his country, right or wrong. If his
country fails, right or wrong, what is left? Ask the Jews at Dachau.
All students must learn the price of their freedom. The blood, the
suffering, the loss of body parts and mind, the loss of life, the loss
of life from those who lived, they are never the same and his time spent
in war will never be recovered in green pastures. Combat personnel paid
the full price for the freedoms everyone takes for granted. Freedom is
not, never was, and never will be FREE!!!. Someone pays the price.
Reg: If you could do it all over ...
what would you change?
My military time in serving my country would remain the same. I would
change my life after the war by returning to school on leaving the
military and completing my high school and college. I would change my
life's work by studying and becoming a Anthro-Palentologist to study
man's beginning to present. I regret not having done that.
Reg: What do you think is best to keep the memory alive?
You are referring to keeping the memory of WWII alive. Every
generation has had its greatest war; WWII is our greatest war. There
will be wars to come that will dwarf WWII, and that will be the greatest
war of all times, and perhaps the last war. We and our children will
keep WWII alive until it is replaced by the greatest war of all times.
In time the far future generations will recall WWII, if not remembering
it, as we recall the greatest wars of the Greeks and the Romans. But in
time they will all reside in the same shadow. We can keep teaching far
more and better than we are today, in the end the results will be the
Reg: What or which scene grabbed you the most?
The scene that grabbed me the most? Probably was when I hit the ground
in Normandy. I picked up a handful of soil and said to myself. "So,
this is French soil, we have landed." I was in the hospital in Joigny,
France. The ward boy came in and told me the war was over. America had
dropped a huge bomb that had obliterated an entire Japanese city and the
war was over. I sneaked out of the hospital, had two glasses of wine,
toasted my comrades. "Here's to the last one. Here's to the next
one. Here's to the ones we left behind." I sneaked back into the
hospital; and lying in bed I thought of the multi-thousands of lives
that action had saved, on both sides, and the peace to come.
Don Burgett, Sgt. WWII
Thank you for this interview. |