Clarence "Clancy" Lyall - Miscellaneous items

A reaction from Clancy's friend Bigjohn

Hello, maybe you should say something about how Clancy still is serving today!
He visits the wounded at Walter Reed Army Hospital with us.
He delivers meals for the Meals ON Wheels program to shut ins and invalids.
He organizes a recognition parade every year in his home town for the Veterans of all wars.

He is a hell of a man and my friend.

Here is a picture of the new generation of the 101st with the old!
Clancy just had 6 of the wounded guys to his veterans day parade in his hometown.
Thanks, Bigjohn.

The Riggers Ball in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, September 2004

Pictures sent by
1SG Del Weitman






The three gentlemen holding pictures are L-R,
William Steele, Clancy Lyall (Band of Brothers) and Amos Small,
veterans of the Normandy and Holland jumps, 506th PIR, 101st ABN Div.
Mr Lyall also made the two combat jumps in Korea.
Del Weitman


59th Easy Company Reunion - San Antonio Texas - 11th to 15th October 2005

Thanks to Mr. Larry Kemp we can publish this picture report of the Reunion at San Antonio.

Welcome sign at the entrance of the Clarion Tropicana Hotel


At the Hospitality Suite



 October 14th : HAPPY BIRTHDAY Veteran Clancy Lyall !! 80 CANDLES !


Frank Perconte and Wild Bill


Frank Perconte and Forrest Guth


George Luz Jr. and Harriet Guth


One picture of many shown in an album


Take a look at Wild Bill's T-shirt...


Back Row from left to right :Herb Suerth, ?, Ed Shames, Chris Anderson (WWII Magazine), Earl McClung,
George Luz Jr., Jim Alley, Forrest Guth, Frank De Angelis (honorary member), Paul Rogers.
Front Row: Ed Tipper, Buck Taylor and Rod Bain.


River Walk

View on the river


Harriet and Forrest Guth



Paul Roger's Tree

Discussing Paul's tree, in the Peace Woods at Bastogne



The Banquet

Remembering the heroes who cannot be here today...







Herb Suerth speeches...

Buck Taylor

The table of Honor



Group Photo's