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The son of Frank A. Nyiri is looking for information on his Dad.

I am the son of Frank A. Nyiri.  My Father served in WWII in the 101st Airborne.  He jumped on D-Day.  He was in the glider field artillery, I believe.  I have tried getting information about my father though the government’s center in St. Louis, only to find out that his records were destroyed in a fire.  I have his “nuts” brass plate sand casting from Bastogne. 
A photograph of my father shows hat with a round patch with a parachute and glider on it (left side) and a pin with three stars on the right side (sorry the photo quality does not allow for better description.)  Dad was a tech sergeant.  He had both glider wings and jump wings (remember dad talking about having to jump at the end of the war to qualify for jump pay…)
I remember he had a book (about the 101st) that was published in the late 50’s or early 60’s that had his name in it.  I believe it talked about his unit resting in Germany and what they were doing there.
Any information you may have about him or places to look or people to contact to get more information about my father, my son and I would appreciate your help.  

Sincerely – Jack P. Nyiri (jpnyiri@comcast.com or jack.nyiri@mcmail.vanderbilt.edu)

Posted : January 07, 2004.

101st Airborne Division

My name is Alan Major. I am the son of Lt. Col. Charles W. Major (he went by the name of "Tad" and did not attain this rank until later in his military career). Myself, along with my brother and sister, have researched US Army service records and his DD214 indicates he served during WWII in Normandy, Holland and Belgium. He passed away shortly after the war while we were young. We are interested in contacting anyone who may have served with him. We would also like to be advised of reunions involving the 101st. Please forward this message as may be applicable. Thank you.
Alan Major. (mail :
Alan Major)

Posted : December 04, 2003.

463rd PFA

463 Parachute Field Artillery Battalion

William 'Bill' Tingen, North Carolina, was a member of the 463th PFABn in World War II and is looking for all kinds of information about his unit. Contact Bill through e-mail at wtingen@cox.net please.

As webmaster, I too am mostly interested in the history of this (forgotten ?) unit. Please contact me. Filip

Posted : April 18, 2003.

Click the image

Tess Stinson is looking for persons who might have know her dad...

In Search of: anyone who may have known my Father, GLEN LOUIS NESMITH.  He served as a paratrooper jumpmaster at Ft. Benning, Georgia in 1943-44.  He was a Staff Sergeant and wore an Airborne Command patch before being shipped to Europe at the end of June 1944.  His DOB was 2-27-20 – he was from Belleville, Kansas although he married a Georgian in March 1944 and lived out his life in Columbus, Georgia.  I have discovered that he was a member of the 501st Airborne PIR and served in Holland, Bastogne and was in France after the war as late as August 1945.  I am also told that he replaced a First Sergeant of F company, 501st after D-Day.  Any information may be emailed to:  Tess Stinson, tess@linesontime.com or to the webmaster of this site.  Thank you!

Posted : Christmas Eve, 2002.