
On August 11th, 2009 - Filip

We regret to inform you that our good friend Forrest Guth passed away this week-end, age 88. Forrest was a member of Easy Company, 506 PIR.
He was a very nice and kind man. I had the privilege to meet him in Bastogne (and his friend Buck Taylor)
We will miss him very much. Our sincere condolences to the family.






On July 8th, 2009 - Filip

Finally added the page regarding the Ceremony for the Inauguration at Bastogne of the 101st Airborne and all Attached Units Memorial...


On March 12th, 2008 - Michel Detrez

Hello Filip,
Would you have a place for these attached documents somewhere on your website?
D-DAY Publishing
Michel DE TREZ


Document in English  -  Document in French


Click on the image for a larger picture


On December 14th, 2007 - Filip

Early December I was looking for a suitable text or poem on the internet for my Christmas cards. Though I found several beautiful texts I was not satisfied, or they were too long, or they didn't express enough my feelings, so my wife said "Why don't you write something yourself...?". I answered "Me ? Writing a poem ?"... Well, on December 5th I tried it and this is the result. It may not be perfect, but the important thing is the message...


To all of you : Merry Christmas and a marvelous 2008 !


Rendezvous with Christmas

Filip Willems, 2007.


Christmas time, the calendar shows December

Christmas time, a time to remember

It was sixty-three years ago

A tough battle with the foe


Ice, snow, days and nights were cold

Their rendezvous with destiny, a story still untold

Fear and courage hand in hand

No matter what, they'll stand


To all those angels from the sky

Again I say thank you, I sure know why

They fought for their country, and for mine

Star of Bethlehem, especially for them, please shine!


On July 4th, 2007 - Filip

Restyling the whole site.

On April 26th, 2007 - Filip

Bastogne : added the Bill and Babe Tour report.

On December 19th, 2006 - By Filip

From - Vanwege - De la part de - Da parte di

the Official Clancy Lyall Homepage

Merry Christmas - Zalig Kerstfeest - Joyeux Noël - Buon Natale !!!

CHRISTMAS - ARMY STYLE - Just before Santa Claus leaves his "jeep-sleigh"
the guard of honor stands on each side presenting arms to the Christmas visitor.
Camp Lee, Virginia, Quartermaster Replacement Center. December 1941

On December 13th, 2006 - Filip

Added the interview with 1Bn/A Co Sgt Don Burgett - see the 506/101 section please.

On December 1st, 2006 - Filip

Added a page with helmet insignia & basic military map symbols - see the 506/101 section please.

On October 3rd, 2006 - Filip

- Saturday December 16th, Bastogne : 29th Historic Walk during the 62nd Commemorations of the Battle of the Bulge.
Organized by Maurice L. Sperandieu, a Belgian WW2 and US 3rd Army Veteran.
You can contact Mr. Sperandieu for further details by e-mail at, by phone (BE) +32 (0)3 235 35 06, or at the site Departure of the walk is between 08:00 AM - 09:30 AM at the "Centre Sportif - Porte de Trèves", Rue Gustave Delperdange, 6600 Bastogne.

On August 31st, 2006 - Filip

- 2 new LINKS : the Screaming Eagle site and Historic Tours.

On July 27th, 2006 - By Filip

- Dutch and French sites are finally restiled.

On April 13th, 2006 - By Filip

- Picture report of the 59th Easy Company Reunion at San Antiono (Tx) in the Misc Section
  (Thanks to Mr. Larry Kemp for the Pictures)

On January 13th, 2006 - By Filip

- Restyled Clancy Lyall site is now online - English part.
- Added the Major Dick Winters site to the Links Section.
- Updated the link of the Currahee site, also in the Links Section

On January 6th, 2006 - By Filip

Restyling the Clancy Lyall site - English part.

On January 5th, 2006 - By Filip

I'd like to wish everybody a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2006 !